Acupuncture for Induction of Labour during Pregnancy

Acupuncture to Induce Labour

Acupuncture to Induce Labour
Acupuncture for Induction of Labour

Acupuncture to Induce Labour (Labour Preparation) is available at our Gold Coast clinic in Nerang. Our fully qualified Acupuncturists are familiar with all aspects of womens health.

Acupuncture for Induction of Labour during Pregnancy

Acupuncture is a natural way to prepare the body for labour. Acupuncture does not induce labor in the same immediate manner as a conventional medical induction. Instead, Acupuncture assists by alleviating factors that are inhibiting the natural onset of labour.

During treatment we use very thin Acupuncture needles to stimulate the nervous system to produce changes in the body. Research shows that Acupuncture successfully initiates the onset of labour and can prepare the uterus and cervix for labour, reduce pain of contractions, shorten the average time of labour, reduce recovery time and significantly decrease the need for medical intervention (Smith 2004, Betts 2006) [1].

Pregnant women often prefer to limit their use of medications during pregnancy and labor. This decision is frequently endorsed by midwives and obstetricians. Acupuncture for Labour Induction (Labour preparation) does not require the use of any medications.

When to commence Acupuncture treatment

The length of pregnancy can vary between women. Babies are considered ‘full term’ if they are born anywhere between 37-42 weeks. [2]

Acupuncture for Labour Induction (Labour Preparation) can commence from 37 weeks onwards. We generally recommend weekly treatments until labour commences.

If you are closer to (or past) your due date then we recommend Acupuncture treatment twice a week.

It is recommended (but not necessary) for the birth partner to accompany the mother to the initial appointment if possible. This will allow our practitioners to instruct them on the proper use of Acupressure techniques for use prior and during labour.

It is always recommended to seek the advice of your pregnancy care provider when deciding on your treatment options.

Mechanism of Action for Acupuncture to Induce Labour

The mechanism underlying acupuncture to induce labour is said to involve stimulation of the uterus by hormonal changes or by the nervous system. Parasympathetic stimulation close to term has been shown to have an influence on the uterus [3]. It is hypothesised that acupuncture neuronal stimulation may increase uterine contractility either by central oxytocin release or by parasympathetic stimulation of the uterus [4].

The above research suggests that Acupuncture may provide beneficial outcomes however other papers did not have the same findings so the evidence is regarded as mixed.

Medical Induction and associated risks

The current rate of medical induction in Queensland is about 22%. Medical Induction is a procedure used to stimulate contractions, before labour begins on its own. It includes the use of medication or other methods to bring on (induce) labour.

There are potential risks of using medical induction in a setting such as a hospital.

  • Your chance of needing extra pain relief is higher, because the contractions are often more painful.
  • Your chance of having a caesarean birth is higher, if your labour is induced for a reason other than pregnancy lasting longer than 41 weeks, or it’s your first baby.
  • Sometimes an induction doesn’t work in getting your body to go into labour (failed induction).
  • As your baby’s heartbeat will be monitored with special equipment during your labour, it can be harder for you to move around and use the bath or shower for pain relief.
  • Overstimulation of the uterus: this may require medications to reverse the effects of the over-stimulation or an emergency caesarean birth.
  • Cord prolapse: this is extremely rare. When the waters are broken there is a very small risk of the umbilical cord slipping below the baby’s head with the fluid. This requires an immediate caesarean birth.[5]

Appointment Preparation

Please make sure you request the Acupuncture (Induction of Labour) treatment when booking online or through our clinic number. Bookings are strictly by appointment only. We do not offer walk in appointments under any circumstances.

Please allow approximately 45 minutes for your treatment however the appointment length may vary depending on your circumstances.

Our Practitioners

Dr. Peter Gospos

Senior Practitioner and Clinic Founder, Registered Acupuncturist – BHSc (Acu)

Peter Gospos has been practicing Acupuncture for 20 years. He is passionate about achieving optimal health for all of his clients.

Peter offers an innovative approach to treatment with Neoclassical Acupuncture. Neoclassical Acupuncture is a palpatory style of Acupuncture that provides immediate feedback with each needle placed. The goal is to create a “domino effect” of clearing the root cause and sub-sequentially the symptoms from your body.

Peter prefers to use Ultra-Smooth Japanese style needles to ensure complete patient comfort. He also prefers to use a minimal amount of needles during your treatment.

Peter has a special interest in both acute and chronic musculo-skeletal pain. This includes low back pain, shoulder pain and knee pain. He also provides support for a wide range of general conditions such as headaches, migraines and digestive problems. He also supports clients to achieve mental well-being through the reduction of stress and anxiety.

Peter also offers support for women’s health (menstrual and menopausal issues, pregnancy health, induction of labour, fertility and IVF).

Peter has been registered with the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) since 2004. He is also government registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Private Health Fund Rebates

We are able to provide you with a health fund rebate using our HICAPS / Healthpoint system. Some of the health funds that are claimable through our HICAPS (Healthpoint) machine for Acupuncture are as follows.

Gold Coast Location

The Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic is located in the Albert Centre at 5/18 Ferry Street, Nerang.

This is also a great location for our customers in the surrounding suburbs of Nerang including Gilston, Highland Park, Mount Nathan, Carrara, Ashmore, Gaven, Molendinar, Worongary, Helensvale, Coomera, Hope Island, Oxenford, Upper Coomera, Pimpama, Ormeau, Maudsland, Willowvale and Tamborine Mountain.

Book your Acupuncture to Induce Labour appointment

Call our Clinic
You may call us at our Nerang clinic directly.

Phone: (07) 5573 6601

Book Online 24/7
You may book an appointment online by clicking here.


[1] Smith CA, C. C. (2004), Acupuncture for induction of labour, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1).
[2] Better Health Victoria Pregnancy – week by week
[3] Bell C. Autonomic nervous control of reproduction: circulatory and other factors. Pharmacological Reviews 1972;24:657‐763.
[4] Tempfeer C, Zeisler H, Heinzl H, Hefler L, Husslein P, Kainz CH. Influence of acupuncture on maternal serum levels of interleukin‐8, prostaglandin F2 alpha, and beta‐endorphin: a matched pair study. Obstetrics & Gynecology 1998;92(2):245‐8.
[5] QLD Health Website, Induction of labour and augmentation – Risks of induction